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Revival for Mission
The Least of These
International Children's Care (ICC) has ministered to more than 4,000 orphans and at-risk young people--providing love and care so much needed for the "least of these" in multiple countries around the world. Meet one of these thriving young people today, along with the president of ICC and learn how you can be a part of this ministry in this episode of Revival for Mission.
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Hope Sabbath School
There is a conflict between good and evil. How did it start? How did we get in the middle of it? This lesson will answer these questions and take a look at the armor God offers us as protection.
Can Community Become Family?
What does it mean to belong to a community? Dr Aimee Leukert shares her journey of opening her heart and home to two children, Fiona Lin and her brother, following a family tragedy. Fiona joins to offer her take on finding faith, family, and strength after loss.
Hope Sabbath School
The Bible says that God is sovereign and all-powerful. But, there is one thing he can't do. In this lesson we will study the relationship between our free will and God's foreknowledge and power in the plan of salvation.
What Makes Love Last?
Intercultural couple Jonathan and Amanda Walter share their marriage journey, and counselor-author Mike Tucker from the 'Mad About Marriage' series offers insights on optimal communication, reigniting the spark, and how to survive an affair.