Dr. Katia Reinert PhD, RN, FNP-BC
Katia Reinert is a Family Nurse Practitioner and Public Health Clinical Nurse Specialist. She practices internal medicine in Maryland, and serves as the Director for the Health Ministries and Recovery Ministries of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America.
She holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Washington Adventist University, a Master of Science in Nursing from Catholic University of America with a focus in Public Health and the treatment of vulnerable populations, and her Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University. She was a NIH/NICHD pre-doctoral research fellow in Interdisciplinary Research On Violence in the Family.
Katia served for 15 years as a critical care nurse, occupational health nurse practitioner, Faith Community Nursing coordinator, and also as Health Ministry Clinical Supervisor for Adventist HealthCare.
She has a special interest in Lifestyle and Preventive Medicine and the wholistic treatment of physical, mental, and emotional disorders. She has lectured and published on these topics, and has been involved with faith-based partnerships to improve the health of individuals, families, and communities.
Originally from Brazil, Reinert enjoys bicycling, hiking, traveling, and exploring the world's beautiful natural wonders.